Thrive’s Organic Community Garden

Thrive’s Organic Community Garden, consist of 43 beds at two sites, with donated space by the city and 6 beds reserved for seniors. To date, 43 beds have been leased and new seasonal produce is already growing. The garden was established to maintain education about edible gardening in our community for generations. We have seen an impact on the community through our continued recruitment of volunteers who maintain the garden, helping gardeners when needed, and making themselves available to our senior citizen gardening population.
Improving the neighborhood is the overall mission of the organization. In 2017, SDSU presented a report outlining the need for a community garden, green space and the benefits of such a commitment. A garden helps reduce negative environmental impacts by promoting sustainable agriculture, reduce food transportation costs and water runoff. Humans, plants and animals can all benefit from urban agriculture because it creates habitats and improves the ecology of the area. Volunteers reported a therapeutic value when they put their hands into dirt and see beautiful living edible food growing from their labor. When residents take ownership of the garden and want to keep it safe from damage and ravaging, it binds the gardening community, and the community outside the garden boundaries. 

The garden is located at 7730 Central Avenue, Lemon Grove CA 91945 

The plot of land was donated by the City of Lemon Grove and was gladly received by Thrive. Committed, and dedicated volunteers are on site almost every day tending to raised beds plots. Lemon Grove was an agricultural town. In honor of its rich history, the garden currently has 6 fruit trees for the general public: 3 mandarin orange trees, 2 limes and 1 loquat tree, and will be ready in about 2 years. A butterfly garden is planned. Our garden sustains several varieties of peppers, tomatoes, corn, radish, collard, kale, mustard greens, onions, blueberries, strawberries, okra, melons, carrots, peas, and much more are currently growing. The Lemon Grove community can enjoy organic bounty on Garden days. If your like to donate to keep our garden flourishing, please donate.